Politica de cookies

  1. Politica de utilizare cookies valabila incepand cu data 21.05.2018
    Aceasta politica se refera la cookies si paginile web operate de S.C. ROMINSTAL SOLAR S.R.L. sediul social in strada 11 Iunie nr 51 (complex Vivando), scara B, Et. 4, sector 4, Bucuresti, Romania, la care se va face in continuare referire sub forma „Rominstal Solar”, „noi”, „a noastra”.


  1. Ce este un cookie?
    Un cookie este un fisier text de mici dimensiuni, format in general din identificatori, nume ale website-urilor litere si numere, caruia utilizatorul, cand navigheaza pe pagina web prin intermediul unui browser web (ex: Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.), ii poate permite sau nu instalarea prin stocare pe computerul, terminalul mobil sau alte echipamente folosite de acesta. Fisierul cookie este “pasiv” (nu contine programe software, virusi sau spyware si nu poate accesa informatiile de pe hard disk-ul utilizatorului).


  1. La ce sunt folosite cookies?
    Aceste fisiere fac posibila recunoasterea terminalului utilizatorului si prezentarea catre acesta a unui continut adaptat preferintelor sale. Cookies asigura utilizatoriului o experienta placuta de navigare si sustin eforturile Altex pentru a oferi servicii confortabile utilizatorului, cum ar fi: preferintele in materie de confidentialitate online, cosul de cumparaturi sau publicitate relevanta. Cookies sunt utilizate in pregatirea unor statistici anonime agregate care ne ajuta sa intelegem modul in care un utilizator beneficiaza de paginile noastre web, permitandu-ne imbunatatirea structurii si continutului acestora.


  1. Ce tipuri de cookies folosim?
    Folosim doua tipuri de cookies:
  • de sesiune – fisiere temporare ce raman in terminalul utilizatorului pana la inchiderea sesiunii de navigare sau inchiderea aplicatiei (browser-ului web)
  • persistente – fisiere care raman in terminalul utilizatorului pe o perioada definita de parametrii acelui cookie sau pana sunt sterse manual de utilizator.
  • _ga rominstalsolar.ro HTTP 2 years
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on h ow the visitor uses the website.
    Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 8
    Source: https://www.googletagman ager.com/gtm.js?id= GTM-W 6PQ867
    Data is sent to: Romania (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • _gat rominstalsolar.ro HTTP Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate
    Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 8
    Source: h ttps://www.googletagman ager.com/gtm.js?id= G TM-W 6PQ867
    Data is sent to: Romania (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • _gid rominstalsolar.ro HTTP Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on h ow the visitor uses the website.
    Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 8
    Source: https://www.googletagman ager.com/gtm.js?id= G TM-W 6PQ867
    Data is sent to: Romania (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
    collect google-analytics.com Pixel Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and  behavior. Tracks the visitor across
    devices and marketing channels.
    Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 8
    Source: h ttps://www.google-an alytics.com/collect?v= 1_v= j69a= 1558589663t= timings= 2dl= h ttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.rominstalsolar.ro%2
    Fu l=en-usde= U TF-8dt= Prima%20pagin a%20-%20Romin stal%20Solarsd= 24-bitsr= 1024x768vp= 997x739je= 0plt= 2497pdt= 2dn s= 0rrt= 0s
    rt= 882tcp= 0dit= 1278clt= 1278_u = YEB AAEAB ~ jid=gjid=cid= 1872636538.1537359609tid= U A-33133298-1_gid= 1054791529.1537359609gt
    m= G 9cW 6PQ867z= 231330547
    via https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id= G TM-W 6PQ867
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • ads/ga-audiences google.com Pixel Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Used by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor’s on line behavior across websites.
    Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 8
    Source: https://www.google.ie/ads/ga-audiences?v=1aip=1t=srr= 4tid= U A-33133298-1cid= 1872636538.1537359609jid= 1556387708_v
    = j69z= 1318585429slf_rd= 1random= 1874914681
    via https://www.googletagman ager.com/gtm.js?id= G TM-W 6PQ867
    Data is sent to: Netherlands (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • GPS youtube.com HTTP Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Registers a unique ID on mobile devices to enable tracking based on geographical G PS location .
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www .youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • IDE doubleclick.net HTTP 1 year
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Used by Google DoubleClick to register an d report the website user’s actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser’s ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad an d to present targeted ads to the u ser.
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • PREF youtube.com HTTP 8 months
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Registers a unique ID that is used by Google to keep statistics of h ow the visitor uses YouTube videos
    across different websites.
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • test_cookie doubleclick.net HTTP Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Used to check if the user’s browser supports cookies.
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE youtube.com HTTP 179 days
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Tries to estimate the user’s and width on pages with integrated You Tube videos.
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www .youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • YSC youtube.com HTTP Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of w h at videos from You Tube the user has seen .
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • yt.innertube:nextId youtube.com HTML Persistent
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: U n classified
    Initiator: Page source line number 42-45
    Source: In line script
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
  • yt.innertube:requests youtube.com HTML Persistent
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: U n classified
    Cookie scan report – 2/3
    Initiator: Page source line number 42-45
    Source: In line script
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
  • yt-remote-cast-installed youtube.com HTML Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded You Tu be video
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • yt-remote-connected-devices youtube.com HTML Persistent
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • yt-remote-device-id youtube.com HTML Persistent
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.yout be.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • yt-remote-fast-check-period youtube.com HTML Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • yt-remote-session-app youtube.com HTML Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • yt-remote-session-name youtube.com HTML Session
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
    Initiator: Iframe, page source line number 320
    Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/e6vpe6bxkey
    Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
  • gwcc rominstalsolar.ro HTTP 3 months
    First found URL: http://www.rominstalsolar.ro/
    Cookie purpose description: Unclassified
    Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 17
    Source: http://www.gstatic.com/w cm/loader.js
    Data is sent to: Romania (adequate)
    Prior consent enabled: No
    © 2018 Cybot
    Cookie scan report – 3/
  1. Cum sunt folosite cookies de catre acest site?
    O vizita pe acest site poate plasa urmatoarele tipuri de cookies:
  • Cookie-uri de performanta a site-ului;
  • Cookie-uri de analiza a vizitatorilor;
  • Cookie-uri de inregistrare;

Exemple privind utilitatea cookies (care nu necesita autentificarea unui utilizator prin intermediul unui cont):

  • Continut si servicii adaptate preferintelor utilizatorului – categorii de produse si servicii.
  • Oferte adaptate intereselor utilizatorilor;
  • Masurarea, optimizarea si caracteristicile de analitice – cum ar fi confirmarea unui anumit nivel de trafic pe un website, ce tip de continut este vizualizat si modul cum un utilizator ajunge pe un website (ex.: prin motoare de cautare, direct, din alte website-uri etc). Website-urile deruleaza aceasta analiza a utilizarii lor pentru a imbunatati continutul acestora in beneficiul utilizatorului.

Cookies care, din punct de vedere tehnic, nu sunt obligatorii a fi stocate pe terminalul utilizatorului, vor fi folosite doar daca utilizatorul isi exprima consimtamantul expres si neechivoc in legatura cu acestea, prin bifarea categoriilor prezentate.

Utilizatorul isi poate retrage consimtamantul in orice moment prin modificarea setarilor aferente browser-ului utilizat. Detalii privind modificarea setarilor browserelor puteti gasi pe website-urile dezvoltatorilor browserelor , in Sectiunea ”Setari”, prezentate mai jos:

  1. Ce date contin cookies?

In cele mai multe cazuri, cookies nu identifica in mod direct utilizatorii de Internet, ci terminalul de pe care acestia au accesat anumite pagini web. Aceste date sunt criptate intr-un mod care nu permite accesul  neautorizat al tertilor.


  1. Retentia si stergerea cookies

In general, o aplicatie folosita pentru accesarea paginilor web permite salvarea cookies pe terminalul utilizatorului in mod implicit. Aceste setari pot fi modificate de catre utilizator astfel incat administrarea automata a cookies sa fie blocata de browser-ul web sau utilizatorul sa fie informat de fiecare data cand cookies sunt trimise catre terminalul sau.


  1. Actualizari ale politicii de cookies

S.C. ROMINSTAL SOLAR S.R.L. poate actualiza prezenta politica de cookies pentru a reflecta schimbari ale diverselor cookies folosite in scop operational, juridic sau de reglementare. Va rugam sa cititi regulat politica de cookies pentru a va asigura ca sunteti informat corespunzator cu privire la modul in care utilizam cookies.